Friday, July 9, 2010

New Pool, More Reindeer Pictures

The kids got a new pool. It's a step up from the laundry tub in the greenhouse. We had planned on keeping Cotton, the new Great Pyrenees, leashed for a couple of weeks until he settles in. But he managed to get unclipped from his chain the other morning after I left for work and he didn't go anywhere. With Serena, she came with a reputation for running off, so we kept her close until we were sure that she would know where to come back to if she did run off. Cotton, however, seems content to follow us around the yard. I went to the greenhouse this morning to prune tomatoes before work and Cotton kept barking, so I let the dogs loose so he wouldn't wake the kids up. Of course he wanted to come in the greenhouse with me, but since he is huge and doesn't understand "stop", "down", "sit", or "stay", he is not allowed in. So he went around to the side and stood up with his paws on the greenhouse plastic. As greenhouse film is not the most sturdy material and is relatively expensive and troublesome to replace, I was unnerved by his audacity to say the least. Back on the chain he went.
Reindeer drinking water
At the feeder. Since they have so much pasture and woods to graze on they only get about 3 coffee cans of grain twice a day split between all of them.
Darren usually sits with Rosie by her feed bucket that is on the ground so the other reindeer don't push her out of it. She is very tame now.
Virginia is sort of visible eating her grain under the feeder.
The big bull on the left, Virginia under the feeder, and Rosie to the right. Virginia is three weeks younger than Rosie, and she has been sick for most of her life.
Darren & Rosie
Virginia coming out from under the feeder. Darren discovered the source of the cyst on her chest. It was a small matchstick sized stick that poked her and broke off under her skin. A cyst had formed around it and we speculated that has been the source of her illness for the past few weeks. Darren has been doctoring it, but just discovered the root of the problem this morning. The stick and cyst are both gone now so hopefully Virginia will not have anymore trouble.
Virginia - her horns are just now starting to come out.

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