Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Reindeer Herd

My husband decided last year that he wanted to be a reindeer herder. In Alaska, only Alaska Natives can legally own Alaskan Reindeer. This proved problematic as neither one of us is Native Alaskan. Long story short, we managed to import some from Canada. This was a major feat of coordination with many State and Federal Agencies which will probably never be duplicated again. Even with all the proper paperwork, the border guards on the Alaska side almost didn't let him through with his trailer load of reindeer. But as of last August, we are officially in the Reindeer business! We got 3 older cows and 2 bulls. The older cows were cheaper, plus we would be able to have calves from them in the spring. Win/win! This is Lucky with newborn Rosie.
Rosie is now 3 weeks old and busy chasing all the other reindeer. Especially the younger bull, he always tries to get away from her but mom Lucky thinks he is the one being ornery and chases him off and butts him. Rosie thinks it is great fun getting him in trouble. Our second baby reindeer was born today at 9:30 am. Her name is Virginia. She is 3 hours old here.
That's her mom, Pepper. We are waiting on one more calf to be born, any day now. That will bring our herd up to eight reindeer, now all we need is a sleigh!

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